Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 14, 2008 - UpDate

Pictures Tell The Story --

About a dozen homes were washed away during Gustav

During Hanna while the UN watch, a man is telling the people how he tried to walk into Gonaives, but could not

The UN used pontoons to get into Gonaives

Gonaives after Hanna

Ariel view of Gonaives after Hanna

Ariel view of Gonaives

Ariel view of Gonaives

Imagine all the storms of life he's survived
Ed. Are these not the eyes of wisdom and determination?!!

Another !!

Artibonite Valley - shows how isolated these places are

In an earlier update about Gonaives, we mentioned a Filipino pastor and family with an orphanage of 26 children - they have not received anything from the UN yet, and it's been 10 days since the flooding, 10 days without virtually food and water, and are reporting the water is still about waist high in the street. The American couple, who have assumed responsibility for another orphanage because the director can't get back to Gonaives, have received help from the UN, and they are reporting the water level is at knee level. We know these people personally and of course are very concerned, praying for them. Gonaives is still inaccessible and the situation is grave. But many other towns, such as Cabaret, Cayes, Jacmel, Jeremie and small villages are just as needy.


Ann has worked with LACC (Latin America Child Care), child sponsorship program, for the past 9 years. The American missionary directors of LACC want to raise funds to bring in containers of food, clothing and school supplies.

A 40 ft. container will cost approximately $8000 to get here.

If you would like to help with this project, funds can be sent through LACC Haiti ChildCare Acct. #6827554, Class 46 (Hurricane Relief).

Please write the account # on the memo line of your check.

The address is:

AGWM Hurricane Relief
1445 Boonville Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802.


If you do send a donation to this project.
Please let us know so we can thank you for joining with us.

And - please pray.

Blessings to you,

Karl and Ann

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