Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19, 2008

We want to thank you again for your encouraging emails of prayer and support during this most catastrophic time in Haiti. We are receiving many emails asking what to do and how to help, and these inquiries have prompted us to arrange these 2 ways you can 'help us help others'. Any of these options will bring relief and blessing to the many who are in desperate need and will be for a long time to come.

1) IDEA MINISTRIES: our 501c3, is currently setting up a separate 'humanitarian account' for us, strictly for humanitarian relief. It is very VERY important when making a donation to this new account that you CLEARLY note on the memo line of your check, writing 'humanitarian account' (or something re: humanitarian help/relief). If your check is not clearly noted, it will then be put into our regular monthly support account. Monthly deposits will be made to a separate savings account we're setting up to handle these funds. (see mailing address below, under 'Support Address')

2) HELP SEND A CONTAINER THROUGH LACC: Ann has worked with LACC (Latin America ChildCare), a child sponsorship program helping children go to school, for the past 9 years. The American missionary directors of LACC want to raise funds to bring in a container of food, clothing and supplies. A 40 ft. container will cost approximately $8000 to get here. If you would like to help with this project, funds can be sent through LACC Haiti ChildCare Acct #6827554, Class 46 (Hurricane Relief). Please write this account # on the memo line of your check. The address is: AGWM Hurricane Relief; 1445 Boonville Avenue; Springfield, MO 65802. If you do send a donation to this project, please let us know so we can thank you for joining with us in this way.

SOME ARE SENDING FUNDS DIRECTLY TO US IN HAITI, which gives us quicker access to funds to help. An example of that is a project the Chapel is doing - filling up 2 large totes with food and clothes, and then fly them into some of the isolated towns because of washed out roads and bridges. MAF, Missionary Aviation Fellowship, whose pilots and their families come to the Chapel, will fly the totes to one of these towns and give them to pastors they know for distribution. We hope to have them filled by next Sunday so that the following week MAF can take them.





and you know what? It all helps. So ask yourself, what can I do to help??

Abundant blessings to you in return,

Karl and Ann

Karl & Ann Olsson
Quisqueya Chapel
Port au Prince, HAITI
Web: Olssons In Haiti

Mailing Address:

Karl & Ann Olsson
3170 Airmans Dr.
Unit 2073-QC
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946

IDEA Ministries
4595 Broadmoor SE
Suite 237
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-5449

Want to send humanitarian relief?

Write that on the memo line of your check - Humanitarian Relief

and send to IDEA - address on Above

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